Easy IoT Guide

How to install python | Windows

To Install Python on windows follow the below steps:

  1. Go to https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/

  2. Select the first link in the stable Releases section and click on it. It will start the download. (For. ex Python 3.12.1)How to install python

  3. After the download is completed, open the file.

  4. This will open a dialogue box like below. Here you need to click on Install Now.

  5. If any permission is asked then provide the permission and Installation will begin.

  6. After this Installation will be completed.

  7. Now you can validate that Python installation is successful. To do this you need to open Command prompt and type below command.
    python --version

Congratulations! Python is now installed on your system.


Install Python on Windows
Python Install Windows
Install Python Windows
Windows python 
Python Windows
python install
install python

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